Search Port Fairy Historical Society Inc. records

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A concise summary of the key points of a larger work, often used to assist the reader in determining if that work is likely to be of use.


The materials may be acquired by gift, bequest, purchase, transfer, retention schedule, or statute. An accession may be part of a larger, existing collection. An accession added to existing collections is sometimes called an accretion or an accrual. 'Accession' should be distinguished from 'acquisition'. As nouns, they are synonymous. However, the verb 'accession' goes far beyond the sense of 'acquire', connoting the initial steps of processing by establishing rudimentary physical and intellectual control over the materials by entering brief information about those materials in a register, database, or other log of the repository's holdings.


Access can be restricted from various Viewer accounts and only accesible to Administration Accounts


Acquisition Date


Archive End Date

The latest date within the scope of the archive record

Archive Start Date

The earliest date within the scope of the archived record.

Archive Till

An optional date afterwhich the archive will longer be part of the collection


A level of storage found within a Unit.


Graded quality of a record or object set to Good, Fair or Poor 


Conservation counters existing damage, as distinguished from preservation, which attempts to prevent damage. Conservation does not always eliminate evidence of damage; restoration includes techniques to return materials to their original appearances (which may include fabrication of missing pieces). ? However, conservation is often used to include preservation activities.

Conservation Date

Date of a conservation activities

Conservation Notes

Relevant information about what activities took place during the conservation process


This option is used to either allow or prohibit the public display of this record or object.


The individual or estate donating the archive. In many instances, individuals who donate collections are not the provenance of the collection.

Entered Date

The Date the details of an archive where entered onto the system


Form is synonymous with format, although this equivalence is a fairly recent shift in the language. Form is often used to distinguish between versions of an item in different media; for example, a document may be described as being in its original form, a microform, or a duplicate form.


The actual use of this record or object.


Selected words to describe a record or object. These should be used in conjunction with a Thesaurus for your archive


The physical storage location of the record or objectNotes Extra notation regarding a record or object but not having the same precedance as the Abstract


Provenance is a fundamental principle of archives, referring to the individual, family, or organization that created or received the items in a collection. The principle of provenance dictates that records of different origins (provenance) be kept separate to preserve their context.


The number of individual  records or objects within one archived record 


A group of similar records that are arranged according to a filing system and that are related as the result of being created, received, or used in the same activity

Series Id

A unique numerical Identification of a Series.

Series Title

A short description of a Series, generally unambigious as opposed to the Series Id.


The dimension of a document (width and height) or the general dimension of an object eg (1.5m long hockey stick)


This option is used to show how this record or object viewed by the organization. The treasured records or objects have are high in monentary, historical or sentimental value.


A specific division of the form; For example, a magazine, book, postcard etc


The top level of storage. One or more boxes are stored within a Unit.

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