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On Wednesday, 22nd Feb, Gus wrote:

That's my Uncle John's skiff off Darwin 1978

On Wednesday, 22nd Feb, Gus Edwards wrote:

That's my Uncle John's skiff off Darwin 1978


Poll: I want to

Store & Manage our Digital Collection
Reach the broader Community
Serve Members better
Secure our History
Share our History with others
Generate other Revenue


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
  1. How much does it cost to setup a HistoryBrowser Site?
  2. How long before I must start to use my HistoryBrowser site?
  3. How many records (metadata) and images can be uploaded to a HistoryBrowser site?
  4. Can you store records without images?
  5. What resolution image is suggested to upload?
  6. Who administers the HistoryBrowser site?
  7. How many administrators can an individual HistoryBrowser site have?
  8. Can I set my own password or update my email address?
  9. How many privilege/permission levels are there?
  10. Who can add a User and set the respective privilege/permission level?
  11. What can the Historian/Archivist do?
  12. What are the benefits of being a Member?
  13. Who can be a Volunteer and what does that entail?
  14. What are Links and how much do they cost?
  15. How many links can be created?
  16. What is involved in Sponsorship and do you have to have Sponsors?
  17. Who can view images and records in your collection?
  18. Can images be purchased and how much do they cost?

1. How much does it cost to setup a HistoryBrowser Site?

$30 per month or $300 per year.[Back to Top]

2. How long before I must start to use my HistoryBrowser site?

A HistoryBrowser site will remain active provided some records have been uploaded within 60 days from its creation. If there is no activity within the first 60days, the site will be removed.[Back to Top]

3. How many records (metadata) and images can be uploaded to a HistoryBrowser site?

Unlimited![Back to Top]

4. Can you store records without digital images?

Yes. In fact, digital images (jpeg & PDF) cannot be stored unless a record has first been created.[Back to Top]

5. What resolution image is suggested to upload?

Typically we recommend screen resolution (72dpi to 100dpi). This enables quick uploads and prevents your images being printed without your permission/approval. All images are watermarked by the system to protect your digital images.[Back to Top]

6. Who administers the HistoryBrowser site?

When a HistoryBrowser site is created it assigns the one who completes the Site Request as a site Administrator.[Back to Top]

7. How many administrators can an individual HistoryBrowser site have?

There is no set limit. However, as a rule, you should not set more than a few, to maintain the integrity of your site.[Back to Top]

8. Can I set my own password or update my email address?

Yes. After your initial login simply go to ‘My Profile’ and change your password or update your email address.[Back to Top]

9. How many privilege/permission levels are there?

Presently, there is provision for 3 User login privilege/permission levels in addition to the Administrator level. These are Historian, Members and Member Volunteers.[Back to Top]

10. Who can add a User and set the respective privilege/permission level?

Administrators and the Historian(s) levels. Yes, you can have more than one Historian/Archivist level.[Back to Top]

11. What can the Historian(s) do?

  • Moderate Comments
  • Add Membership and Volunteers
  • Set Poll survey information requests
  • Set Purchase Cart items
[Back to Top]

12. What are the benefits of being a Member?

Members can:
  • Search the full collection.
  • Select their own search preferences
  • Receive special offers, newsletters and more…
[Back to Top]

13. Who can be a Volunteer and what does that entail?

Individual Members who volunteer are willing to contribute their time for free. These Volunteers are able to enter records (metadata) and digital images online for the benefit of their organizations HistoryBrowser site, even from home.[Back to Top]

14. What are Links and how much do they cost?

Links enable your HistoryBrowser site to be connected to related or affiliated sites. Links are set by the Administrator. All Links are free.[Back to Top]

15. How many links can be created?

There is provision for up to 10 links.[Back to Top]

16. What is involved in Sponsorship and do you have to have Sponsors?

Each HistoryBrowser site can attract up to 5 paying Sponsors. Attracting Sponsors or not is a personal choice for each HistoryBrowser site.
Sponsorship revenue, such as the amount and duration of the sponsorship is determined by each HistoryBrowser site. All the revenue from sponsorships is retained by the individual HistoryBrowser site.[Back to Top]

17. Who can view images and records in your collection?

The general Public can search and view only selected records and images. Individual site Members & Volunteers who are provided with a unique Username and initial access Password can search and view the whole collection.[Back to Top]

18. Can images be purchased and how much do they cost?

Yes. Selected images can be purchased by both the Public and Members as: Postcards, Prints, and Posters and in some instances also as Digital files through a PayPal Cart. (N.B. All pricing is in A$).
The cost of printed Postcards, Prints and Posters is set and agreed to by the HistoryBrowser site in consultation with the Print Service Provider, Technological micro Data, 38-42 Cremorne Street, Richmond. Victoria. Australia. 3121.
The value of purchases of Digital files is set by the Individual HistoryBrowser site.
All notifications and access links (if applicable) will be outlined to the Cart Purchaser and the Site Administrator by email[Back to Top]